still not a taco after all these years

Welcome, one and all, to A Taste of Strange, my latest and least non-great attempt at journaling, or blogging, or whatever the kids are calling it these days. My name is Gary, and I will be your confab for tonight.

I’m not going to cover what I’ve already written on my home page or my about me page. Suffice it to say I’m a guy who likes to write speculative fiction, and have launched this site and this blog in an attempt to publicize my works.

My goal is to update this at least once a week with my thoughts on aspects of writing, genre, conventions, media, and related subjects, my upcoming appearances (when I have some to declare), where my works will be showing up (when I have some to declare), and so on. I’m going to kick things off with the first of Thirty Questions for Writers, starting next week. (Note: this blog’s RSS feed is a great way to keep up with this without having to continually revisit the site.)

A Taste of Strange was the title of a Blogger-powered weblog I had from 2000 to 2002. Though I considered other titles, in the end I had to bring this one back. I like strange things, and find fascination in the strangest of places, and expect this will come through in future posts. I also like toast, but I doubt I will write about that.

Outside of this blog and this site, I have Hypnerotomachiapet, a Dreamwidth journal (which is also mirrored on a LiveJournal journal), which is about 3% content and 97% memes, quizzes, and news links. I am also on Twitter and Facebook, if that’s the sort of thing you’re into. I’ll likely x-post some (though not many) of my blog entries here to Dreamwidth/LiveJournal, but aside from that, the streams will not cross. Unless I need to blow up a giant marshmallow man.

Thank you for your time, and (hopefully) your continued readership. Cheers!

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